How to create a plugin

1. Invent plugin

Great, you have and idea for plugin. Give it a suitable NAME.

2. Use template

Run these commands where NAME is plugin name you invented in step 1.

$ git clone
$ cd lokse
$ cp -r plugin-template packages/plugin-NAME

3. Initialize the plugin

Set NAME of your plugin and its description in package.json fields and description.

Plugin’s name should always start with @lokse/plugin-.

4. Implement the plugin

Implement plugin factory in src/index.ts by exporting default function returning plugin (it’s already prepared for you) with any of hooks mentioned in section What can plugin do.

All hooks are optional, you can implement any of them. Plugin factory receives options object which contains common options for all plugins plus any other options user passed in config file and also some meta information as a second argument

export default function (options: GeneralPluginOptions, meta: GeneralPluginMeta) {
  return createPlugin({
      transformLine: ...
      transformFullOutput: ...

If you find plugin misconfigured or any other problem, you can throw a PluginError which will be gracefuly handled when initializing plugin.

import { createPlugin, PluginError } from "@lokse/core";

export default function (options: GeneralPluginOptions, meta: GeneralPluginMeta) {
  if (...) {
    throw new PluginError(`This is not a valid configuration`);


Now please write at least few tests for the plugin’s feature 🙏 You’ll practice you’re testing skills and contribute to better project quality and maintainability.

5. Voilà - plugin is ready 🎉

Don’t forget to add him into Packages list in main readme.

Create PR to add it into the repo, wait for code review and approval for adding it into ecosystem.